9. Change



COR Congregations are committed to change that leads to improved senior youth and young adult ministry.


COR congregations recognize that new programs, methods, styles and services will always be needed.What was effective yesterday may not meet the needs of people tomorrow. And new methods will be needed to reach those not engaged with the current ministry mix


Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him​.  Romans 12:2 CEV

Click here to read more Bible texts about change.



“We are to study the field carefully and are not to think that we must follow the same methods in every place... Whatever may have been your former practice, it is not necessary to repeat it again and again in the same way. God would have new and untried methods followed."
Evangelism, p. 125.

Click here to read more of what Ellen White said about change.


"There is an inexorable link between an organization’s vision and its appetite for improvement. Vision exposes what has yet to be accomplished. In this way, vision has the power to create a healthy sense of organizational discontent. A leader who continually keeps the vision out in front of his or her staff creates a thirst for improvement which, in turn, produces an appetite for change. In this way vision contributes to developing a culture that is comfortable with change. Vision-centric churches expect change. Change is a means to an end. Change is critical to making what could and should be a reality​."  Andy Stanley in Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend, p. 274.

Click here to read more non-denominational quotes about change.


SURVEY (evaluate where you are so you know where you want to go)

  1. Do you think your church is willing to change if it leads to improved senior youth and young adult support?
  2. How does your church evaluate the needs of senior youth and young adults?
  3. When was the last time your church changed anything to accommodate the needs of your senior youth?
  4. When was the last time your church changed anything to accommodate the needs of your young adults?






  • Under Development


     Online Training

  • Under Development












For more resources, visit the How to and Questions for Reflection sections or download COR Value #9 Change Guide