Church of Refuge would like to help you with resources that you can use in your own congregations.
Resources are available under each COR Value. To share these 9 COR initiatives with your church, feel free to print this brochure.
Your Church Can Be A Refuge.
Innovators: Churches of Refuge
Pastors, Here's a Novel Idea: Invite Newcomers to Lunch
Books (non-SDA)
Usher/Greeter Orientation Guide
This 19-page Discipling Emerging Adults resource will help you identify the particular issues and challenges of the Millennial generation and practical tips on how to help them grow toward spiritual maturity and embrace positions of leaderships.
Ministry to 20-Somethings: Many surveys show an alarming dropout rate today for young adults in the church. This resource offers variety of helpful insights on the ways that 20-somethings think and on how to minister to them.